~Selling Chicken Smoothie Pets ♥~ (Need some sold)
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Hello there, I made an old forum like this but i changed it a bit i got a few offers but i didn't reply this time i'll make sure you can get your pet! i don't go on chicken smoothie anymore so i like to sell my pets so if you play chicken smoothie alot i recommend buying them if you like the game...etc these prices aren't very expensive i will most likely sell a pet for $1000 alacrity cash please do not argue or be rude about prices....I need to purchase dog slots because i have litters expected & i bought a few dogs i need to make up for so dog slots are needed.

Prices for uncommon - (You may offer a price it doesn't need to be in the range as below!)


Most uncommons will be priced at the range of $2000 AC - $10000 AC depending on how old the pet was (it shows how uncommon it is)....(AC = Alacrity cash)

Prices for commons - (You may offer a price it doesn't need to be in the range below)


Most commons will be priced at the range of $1000AC - $10,000AC (mostly up to $3000)


Prices For Rares - (You may offer a price it doesn't need to be in the range below) (I'm not sure if i have rares but if i do here is the prices)


$1000 - $20,000 (discount)


~I hope you purchase a lovely puppy i really need to raise enough m oney for dog slots & if you purchase a puppy you will be saving my pets from not going to the pound~

~Thank you have a nice day! flamingwolf~


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